Pricing Your Home

Most of us have an emotional attachment to our homes, and many of us view our home as if it’s worth more than the reality of the marketplace dictates.

Certainly, you don’t want to under-price your home and give away your hard earned equity to the buyer. You want to maximize the return you get out of your investment in the home. On the other hand, you don’t want to overprice your home, either. Overpriced homes can sit on the market for years, generate a negative feeling in the real estate community, and ultimately sell for less money than if they had been priced correctly initially.


To arrive at an appropriate, competitive listing price, I will perform a Competitive Market Analysis to identify homes that have sold recently in your area and their sales prices. This will indicate what buyers in the marketplace are willing to pay for homes similar to yours. To fairly determine price, we must investigate homes that are for sale or currently in competition with yours, similar homes that have sold recently, and homes that failed to sell. 

Once a price has been set, I will put my aggressive marketing strategies to work for you. My 53 point IMPACT marketing system includes more than 1,000 websites, multiple photos, flyers and much more. I will create a custom marketing program to get your property sold fast and for the most money possible.